Page name: the day that never comes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-29 14:57:17
Last author: shadows of life
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 8
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The Day That Never Comes

The Plot

The year is 2009, mutant rights have fallen dramaticly, by law they are required to be registered wtih the govermnent but very few if any follow this law. Rivalries are growing ever stronger and normal people are getting more and more restless about the mutant "problem" many have resorted to violence in an effort to eliminate the mutants even when they have done nothing to deserve the violence. Mutant blood flows freely while the government turns a blind eye, some of the mutants which to eradicate the humans, to exterminate them, other mutants however our joining forces with the common people in an effort to prove that they are not all the same and that mutants deserve and need to be treated like the rest of the people.
Peace is something that many fear will never come...

The Rules

1. This is indeed an X-Men rpg so you MUST have a mutation [note: you can be any character from the comics, tv shows, movies, or just make up your own]
2. None of the characters know each other yet
3. Not a chat wiki gah
4. All sex must be under detalied or go to GAH what the hell?!

GAH what the hell?!?!? NEWNESS for new stories xD

5. INVITE PEOPLE...damnit that means you kitty >_< :D
6. -,- no killing off characters
7. no making it so characters can't fight back -,-
NEW RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! characters who are not active for 30 days will be deleted date starting 02/15/10

more rules may or may not be coming


Wolvie's the day that never comes peoples

[same as kitty :D]

Wolvie's Characters
Logan ~ Mutant, male, unknown, ya know his powers
James Hetfield ~ Mutant, Male, 45, he can change to a wolf at will
Bruce Dickinson ~ Mutant, Male, 50, can turn to a wolf at will, he can heal others however doing this takes a huge strain on himself and he needs to rest for several days after doing it, also he age's very slowly so even though he's 50 he only apears to be in his 20's
Nina Christianson Dickinson ~ Mutant, Female, 16, she can turn into a cute kitty at will and is a neko naturally but Bruce bought her a special collar that hides her true form
Maxwell Carrigan ~ Mutant, Male, 17, He can make anybody do whatever he wants >:D

kitty's the day that never comes characters

[just cause i figured they were takin up a lot of space :D]

Kitty's Characters
Gackt Camui - mutant, male, twenty-one
Tiki - husky puppy
Rogue - mutant, female, sixteen
Damien & Derek - demon, male, millions of years old but looks twenty, twins
Shinya - mutant, male, twenty
Rikku - sorceress, female, 30

Name:Heatra Kasshu
History:very strait forward and speaks his mind.
Mutation:can turn oxygen into fire.

Name: Isaac [Can’t remember his last name, need to find profile at home]
Age: 17
Personality: Silent, very quiet sometimes, cheerful, happy, bloodthirsty[When hungry]
Past Story: Unkown, he will not speak of it….to anyone he does not trust
Mutation: Vampiric powers, sucking of blood, on occasion he’ll eat raw meat, enhanced senses and strength, and regenerative powers(duh), crawling on walls, hates the sunlight, can't die in it...but fucking HATES it.

Username (or number or email):


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2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: OK wel stay and apologize..but i cant grentee wellstay long after that... "shes strangly intrigueing"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *hears rogue faintly and forces myself to wake up then smiles* rogue

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles back- logan

Victoria nods.

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *puts one of my hands on your right cheek and smiles in relief* your alright

James slowly starts trotting back over curiously

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles back and nods- you are too please be alright

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *nods* i will be don't worry

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles- cant promise i wont

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *smiles back* i know

James stands in the doorway and watches

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: they realy do love each other

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: anything i can get for you?

Victoria smiles, "Nice to have someone to care for you doesnt it?"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *shakes my head* no but thanks rogue

James frowns, i doubt they'll be that caring towards each other in a year or so

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods- ok logan

Victoria, "why do you say that james?"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *nods and curls up*

James jumps a little having forgoten Victoria can hear him then he cleverly avoids the question, How'd you know my name?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -gets logan a cover-

Victoria, "I can read your thoughts now why do you think that way?"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *is already back asleep, my body slowly healing*

James, damnit! and I just do

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles and gently covers him-

Victoria, "well i think they will"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *smiles in my sleep*

James shrugs and goes back outside, maybe they will I neither know nor care and I need to get to shelter so goodbye

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:come on we should give logan and rogue some time alone


Robin:when can we leave jester?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles also-

Victoria, "The weather outside is horrid it be best if you all stayed for the night and he's sleeping why would they need time alone?"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James ignores Victoria and keeps walking, shiving a little

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:well if one of my sistrs had a near death experience id want time alone to hug and cry and talk...i just assume they would like the same respect

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Well they arent sisters ya really think they'll talk about it?"

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:ok then..-wy isshe so advid about us sticking together when she just gave us the cold shoulder and brushed only a few hours ago..she realy is a puzzle- "robbin you and haze can share te love seat ill stand...*stands against the wall to keep balance caue hes getting dizzy from blood loss but dont want his sisters to worry*

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Lay down on the floor dear lord"

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:raiss a brow "why would i want to do that i am fine take care of logan hes the hurt one" how can she tell im hurt i have my illusion up to hide it

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "He's healing he'll live"

-smiles gnetly running my fingers through logan's hair-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: [morning^^]

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [mornin :D]

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Robbin:"jester why r we still here we should leave befor hes well enough to attack again"

Jester:"becauser were r going to do the right thing and i dont want you and haze out in this weater you 2 need ur rest"


2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria nods making the weather a bit worse.

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Robbin:yea like i can rest with him here..."

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:ill stay awake and make sure everythings ok you should sleep ive got you coverd

Robbin:reluctanly leans against haze andis soon asleep

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria chuckles, "He isnt going to attack her or rape her"

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:i know but that dosnt stop her from being since it seems that we are going to be shareing some quality time in this cabin perhaps you could tell me ur name so i dont have to make one up"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Then you should talk to her about that cause we both know if he wants sex then he'll go to rogue for that and he wont attack her unless she attacks first and my name just call me vic."

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: snorts ,now we both know thats not entierly true he tryed to attak her not only unprevoked but while we had are backs turned...i bloked it with my shoulder *lowers the illsion* its mostly stoped bleeding i think...they dont need to know

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Ah ah ah remember you did attack his girlfriend first he was protecting her and your robbin needs to learn to bite her tongue"

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester,yes well to be fair we tried to leave peacefully twice and each time one of them came and assulted us...and she has always been a littel head strong and...quick to voice her thoughts...but shes my sister and i will love and protect her..nomatter if shes right or wrong

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Yea well if she is wrong you cant let her get away with actions like that. It'll end up getting her killed and in rogue's defense you did accuse logan of being a rapist and pedophile do you even know her past? Lemme guess it doesnt matter?"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *stays deep asleep*

James keeps walking outside and shivers more

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -frowns a little-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:no we didnt know her past and that is the main reason we r still appoligize

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "and you must really work with them on that dont attack people just because they touch you its really not safe...not with whats going on between mutants and humans."

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *yawns and stretches*

James shakes a little as the weather gets worse, damnit...I need to find shelter now

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles-

Victoria, "Excuse me" she goes out into the weather and easily finds James, "Get back to the cabin"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *smiles back* hey

James jumps a little, no i don't belong there

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nuzzles lightly- im so glad you're ok

Victoria, "back now"

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: -whats her story i wounder? telling us how we should live? as soon as we get this over with we are out of here...shes takeing there side...she threatened to kill me infront of my little sisters and we were wrong for atacking? whatever-

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *smiles and nuzzles back, gently kissing you* me two

James, why?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "why not"

-smiles and kisses back- well good

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Pretends to be asleep

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *looks over at jester* i know your awake

James, I don't belong back there trust me

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "we all belong"


2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:opens one eye and looks at logan then closes it again

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *rolls my eyes* such great acting you can do

James, yeah well not me he shakes his fur off and keeps walking

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "whatever" goes back to the cabin.

-giggles and kisses logan again-

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James nods a little then lays down in some snow

*smiles and kisses back*

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: opens both my eyes smiles and winks befor all amusment drians from me face and i close my eyes as i roll them

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -looks over at jester- what? never seen two people kiss?

Victoria, "really with people in the room? dear lord XD"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: what we're just kissing

James sighs a little, damnit why do I always have to alienate people like that?

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: "...." ive just never seen anyone so obnoxious

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria chuckles, "Yea i know" she sits down

-smiles- hey vickie ^^

Victoria chuckles, "and i thought you had forgotten me"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *lays back down* hey rogue do me a favor and make sure l.t.'s alright

James frowns then shrugs, too damn late now

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods and goes to check on l.t.-

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *waits paitently*

l.t. yawns and stretches

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: how ya doin ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. looks over then smiles, "Hey rogue, I'm good"

James shivers then gets up and slowly heads in the direction he hopes the cabin is in

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles back- well good ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t., "Who'se all out there?"

James gets lost in the blizzard and finally collapses from exhaustion, shaking

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria lightens the weather and goes out looking for James.

me, logan, those two wretched girls and that idiot jester thats about it ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. nods then frowns, "Jester looks familiar..."

James just lays there too tired to do anything

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -sits down next to l.t.- from where?

Victoria eventually finds james and picks him carrying him back to the cabin.

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. frowns more and sits up sitting close to rogue, "I dunno...he just kinda reminds me and looks like my older brother but it can't be him...can it?"

James is mostly out of it and growls a little when Victoria picks him up

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -shrugs- it might be but how do we find out?

Victoria lays him on the couch, "dont growl at me"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. just shrugs and frowns more, "I don't like him...he was mean to Logan..." [remember l.t.'s a little kid and looks up to logan like a father so if he see's logan being unable to fight and held in plasma by jester and robbin and haze of course he's going to think that jester's doing something horrible to him]

James jumps slightly sorry

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:well now that everyones here and awake me and my sister are here t apologze for what we said about your reltionship it was unfounded and unnessisary we shouldnt hve said it and for it we appologize aint that right robbin

Robbin:glares at jester then looks away.."yea sorry"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *nods* well i appreciate that jester it takes a big man to apogize and i'm sorry for attacking you my anger got the better of me when she *looks at robin* [i think it was robbin not entirely sure though] said those things about rogue i do love her very much and when somebody calls her a whore or a bitch of course I'm going to get mad but I do apologize I should've just ignored and walked away

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester: ok then accepted *stands up* we'll be going now

Robin and haze get up and follow jester out the door

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: wait! *grabs jester's arm before he can leave* do you know a boy named artie?

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:...*looks at logans hand on his arm then back to logan* ...why?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *let's go of Jester gently* cuz you both have a close smell

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Spins on logan "now how would you know that?"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *raises my brow* what do you mean? how would I know what? all I said was you two had a close smell about you

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: how wold you now what my little br-*hinks back to when lt came outside with logan* its him..good hes safe..he should stay here where hes safe..hes gotten so big ...but he cant miss who he dont remember...noi dont know any artie *starts walking away*

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: [l.t.'s not in the living room, he's in his room where you can't see him]

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: [there fixed^^]

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: [k ^^]

*shakes my head* your a terrible liar you know that and your really going to hurt him by just leaving but whatever

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -hugs l.t.- well it was a big misunderstanding and he's apologized for his actions so maybe you should try

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. hugs back and nods, "Ok but I think he's leaving now"

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *looks down* haze and robbin wait in the living room *looks bac to logan* wheres he at?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: well you could hurry up and go catch him or wait til he comes around again

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: his room, second to the left

l.t. nods a little and curls up to rogue

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles and holds l.t. close to me-

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James curls up on the couch already mostly asleep again, having light hypothermia from being in the storm for so long

l.t. smiles back

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria gathers blankets to cover James up with.

it'll be ok ^^

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *knocks on lts door*

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James smiles a little in his sleep

l.t. nods, "Yea"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. jumps and looks over at the door, "Come in"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -looks up and stays quiet-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *walks in and smiles t lt* hey space boy ^^ (refering to a child hood experience) how did you wind up way out here..last time i checkedon you you wee safe and sound in the exavier school *kneels down* do i get a hug or are you still scared of me?*

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. looks at jester and moves closer to rogue nervously, "h-h-hey"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -holds l.t. tightly-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: So whyed u leave the school kid?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: kids were being mean to him and i wasnt there to protect him

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. nods, "They were making fun of me..."

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: ...well thnks for taking care of him miss *stands up*

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. "logan found me and took care of me" then he frowns, "So your going to go? you don't even want to stick around? well then fine just go your just like mom and dad"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -frowns-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *taken aback but smiles* who said anything about me leaving bubb i just gadda go talk somethings over with logan and ur new sisters (winks)ill be right out front

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. doesn't smile back, "yeah right"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -hugs l.t.-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: give him some time

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *goes back up front* okevery one...thats my little brother so...logan may we stay?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *sighs a little* yeah

l.t. hugs back

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: it'll be ok l.t. i promise

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. nodsand hugs her closer

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *goes bck in lt room and jumps on the bed* guess what? were all going to stay and be one big happy disfunctional family *group hugs lt and rogue*

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. jumps and shies away from jester, "Cool"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -growls- dont touch me -,-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: sorry..*goes to theliving room and sits next to vic*

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: so how do you feel l.t.?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t. "im not sure..."

James shivers a little and whimpers in his sleep

*looks over at jester* if your going to live here you will respect me and rogue you understand

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria frowns, "I think he's having nightmares"


2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James shivers more and whimpers louder as his dreams get worse

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:yes and you will keep our self under control and stop being violent infront of my littelr brother an set a example for him ..understand?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria walks over and gently shakes James

well you gonna leave your room or stay?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *rolls my eyes* i lost controll because you were calling rogue cruel and unnesasary things for no fucking reason and listen bub it's my house i'm only violent when i need to be

James jumps and instinctively turns, biting victoria's arm as he shakes from the nightmare

l.t., "I dunno...he's different now..."

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria grabs her arm, "Fuck!"

well me and logan will be out there

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: yea whatever i dont care if santa claus sits on u while rudaulf chews on ur balls...not infront of him

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James quickly lets go, shit i'm sorry quick hug me and i can heal you

l.t. nods, "Ok"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *growls* i'll respect you if and only if you show me the same respect

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "I'll be fine"

-gets up and walks out with l.t.-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester: jumps up and grabs vic "you ok? ill go get you a bandage"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "I'll be fine"

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: haze: so...we live here now?

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: robbin:looks that way..and i dont forsee us being one big happy family...

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James lowers his ears and tail then gently nuzzles Victoria, using his powers to heal her

and again, you give us respect and we'll return it

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria jumps as she heals.

-walks over to logan and nuzzles him- ello lover ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James collapses after it's done

*smiles and nuzzles back* ello ^^

l.t. looks at jester kinda nervoulsy

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles back and leans against logan-

Victoria shakes

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: hey little guy what wrong?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *holds you close* i love you

James, don't be afraid Victoria

l.t., "I've changed...alot..."

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Im not afraid"

-smiles- i love you too

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James, your shaking

*smiles back* good thing two

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Yea..well that happensto poeople...youve changed to you gotten so big and i havent seen you digging for the boogy man in ur nose since ive been here ^^ thats a pretty big change all by its sef space boy

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Just surprised"

-giggles- and why is that? ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James, well it's alright he yawns tiredly then shivers a bit from hypotermia

i don't know but is

l.t. blushes a little and sits down by logan

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Lay down"

-giggles- ok

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James nods then curls up again, im sorry for biting you

*kisses you then looks at l.t.* you ok champ?

l.t. nods

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "Its ok"

-kisses back-

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James nods a little and soon falls deep asleep again

*ruffles l.t.'s hair affectionatly* it'll be alright kid

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nods- he's right ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: im always right you horses ass :D

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: pffffffft not always ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: name one time i was wrong ^^

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: just now you called me a horses ass when we both know my ass is very cute ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *laughs* true but not in front of l.t. rogue :D

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -giggles- what?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *smiles* our son is sitting right here by us ^^

l.t. throws a random pebble at jester then giggles

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles back- i was just saying i wasnt implying that i wanted something :D

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: you so want something don't even deny it ^^

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: maybe i do maybe i dont you may never found out ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: damnit why not?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -giggles- i dunno ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: this saddens the logan V.V

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *smiles at lt* let he who is without tickle cast the first pebble * starts tickling lt*

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -giggles and whispers to logan- yes i want somethin but we gotta wait til peoples are asleep ^^

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *smiles* well then k ^^

l.t. eeps and tries to get away laughing loudly

James hears the loud laughter and growls a little in his sleep

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles back-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *pics up lt* i missed you punk

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *looks over at james then frowns* what's a wolf doing in here?

l.t. jumps and struggles against jester, "put me down..."

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i dont know...

victoria, "He has hypothermia he needs to rest"

-gets up quickly and gets l.t. holding him close- you ok?

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: *putshimdown* sorry..

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: its ok jester just give him some time this is all new to him he just needs to get use to it

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *looks at victoria then nods a little* fine but i'd rather him have a muzzle if he's going to stay here

l.t. nods, "Yea...I just need to get used to this"

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "I think he's stuck in this form he has another one"

-nods and sets l.t. down-

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: well he's still a wolf and thus a wild animal and i'll not risk the well being of my boy for his sake

l.t. nods then goes back to his room

*tosses victoria a muzzle* put that on him please

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria nods and walks over caustiously, "Im so sorry James" she gently puts the muzzle on.

-sits next to logan again-

2009-04-20 [Beetle Geuse]: Jester:thats fine lt but i want you to meet sme people...this is robin -Robin: "hey there ive herd alot about you...he missed you vry much"- and this is Haze shes shy and dont talk much but shell do anything toprotect you me robin or ayone eles here she consider family-Haze: its nice to finaly meet you"- Robin haze this is my little brother artie

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *nods then nuzzles rogue*

James wakes up slightly, wha?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: l.t., "My names not artie it's l.t."

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -nuzzles back-

Victoria frowns, "He wont let you stay here unless you have a muzzle on or you can shift back to your normal form....."

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: am i too mean?

James, oh ok i can't shift back i've tried

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: maybe a little i dont think the wolf is a threat to anyone

Victoria, "Im sure you could"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *nods* probably but i don't want to risk it...he already bit her once

James shakes his head tiredly, i've tried but it's a long story im cursed to stay in this form it's a long story

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: he was having nightmares just like when you slashed me you were having a nightmare

Victoria, "at least try and explain it?"

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: *frowns* yeah that's true...

James stretches a little and thinks, alright i'm not sure if this will make sense or not but one of my old "friends" found out about my mutation and he went through some old books and found a curse, making my stuck in this form untill he decides to lift it which he's not about to do

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "where may i find this friend?"


2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James, He's probably at his house but I don't know where it is anymore

*nods* alright then i guess he doesn't have to wear the muzzle

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria nods and takes off the muzzle, "I'll find him"


2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James smiles a little, you don't have to

*nuzzles back*

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria smiles back, "but i want to"

we almost have the place to just us almost

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James, but why?

*tilts my head at victoria and says quietly to rogue* who'se she talking to?

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "cause i want to help"

she can read minds so she's talking to the wolf

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James tilts his head a little, why?

oh ok then *smiles* we could go to the room ya know

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Victoria, "its what i do"

-smiles back and gets up walking slowly to the room-

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James, then let me come with just give me some time to heal

*gets up and follows after, limping slightly*

2009-04-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: victoria nods

you sure you're up for it?

2009-04-20 [wolvie]: James nods and lays his head down again

*nods* pretty sure

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